- A macro is similar to a procedure
- A macro name represents a group of instructions
- A procedure is called at execution time
- control transfers to the procedure
- returns after executing the procedure's statements
- A macro is invoked at assembly time
- Assembler copies macro's statements into the program at the point of invocation
Macro Definition and Invocation
- A macro is a block of text that has been given a name
- When TASM encounters the name during assembly, it inserts the block into the program
- The text may consist of instructions, pseudo-ops, comments, or references to other macros
Syntax of a Macro Definition
ENDM macro_name
- Example: define a macro to move a word into a word
push [word2]
pop [word1]
Using a Macro
- To use a macro in a program, we invoke it
- The syntax is:
- When TASM encounters the macro name, it expands the macro
- As it copies the macro statement, TASM replaces each of the formal parameters with the corresponding actual argument
- A macro must be defined before it is used
- Invoke the macro Movw to move B to A, where B and A are word variables
- To expand this macro, TASM copies the macro statements into the program at the position of the call, replacing each occurrence of word1 by A and word2 by B
- The result is
pop [A]
Caution in Use of Macros
- Macros are simply text substitution -- unexpected things can happen
- Example: Movw A,bx expands to
pop [A]
- Example: Movw A+2,B expands to
pop [A+2] ; this is OK
- Movw A,ax is illegal -- why?
Macros and .LST files
- The .lst file shows how the macros are expanded
- This behavior can be turned off using the %NOMACS assembler directive
- It can be turned on again using the %MACS directive
- See mac_demo.asmand mac_demo.lstto see how TASM expands macros
Restoring registers
- Macros should restore any registers they use (unless they contain output values)
- Example:
push ax
mov ax,[word1]
xchg ax,[word2]
mov [word1],ax
pop ax
ENDM exchw
Local Labels in Macros
- A macro with a loop may have one or more labels
- If regular labels are used, the macro could not be used more than once in the program
- To use local labels, use the LOCAL pseudo-op:
LOCAL @@foo,@@bar
. . .
ENDM MyMacro
- TASM replaces @@foo and @@bar with numeric local labels like @@0001 and @@0002
Examples of Useful Macros
mov ah,4Ch
int 21h
;macro to do CR & LF
mov ah,2
mov dl,0Dh
int 21h
mov dl,0Ah
int 21h
ENDM NewLine
;place largest of two words in ax
MACRO GetBig word1,word2
LOCAL @@exit
mov ax,[word1]
cmp ax,[word2]
jg @@exit
mov ax,[word2]
An Interesting Macro
MACRO DispStr string
LOCAL @@start,@@msg
push ax ;save registers
push dx
push ds
jmp @@start ;string is being stored
@@msg db string,'$' ; in the code segment
@@start: ; so, skip over it
mov ax,cs
mov ds,ax ;set ds to code segment
mov ah,9
lea dx,[@@msg]
int 21h
pop ds ;restore registers
pop dx
pop ax
ENDM DispStr
Including Macro Libraries
- The macros that a program invokes may be contained in a separate file
- This makes it possible to create a macro library
- If the file's name is macros.asm, the pseudo-op
- See mac_lib.asm and macros.asm to see how TASM handles macro libraries
Repetition Macros
- The REPT macro may be used to repeat a block of statements
- The syntax is:
- When TASM encounters this macro, the statements are repeated the number of times given by the value of the expression
REPT Examples
REPT 5 ; with 5 zeros
dw 0
ENDM ; (easier to do A dw 5 DUP (0) )
MACRO Block N ;initialize a block of
memory to
; the first N integers
;use = so we can redefine k
;this is done at assembly time, so
; no code is generated by k=k+1
ENDM Block
; invoke Block like this
LABEL A WORD ; A is a word array containing
The IRP Macro
- Another repetition macro is IRP (indefinite repeat)
- The angle brackets are part of the syntax -- they tell TASM to treat a list as one item
- Example:
IRP d,<regs>
push d
ENDM SaveRegs
- To save ax, bx, and cx:
- expands to
push bx
push cx
- Conditional pseudo-ops may be used
- The usual form is:
- The ELSE is optional
- Some conditionals include:
IF exp exp not 0
IFE exp exp is 0
IFB <arg> argis blank
IFNB<arg> argnot blank
IFDEF sym symnot defined
IFNDEF sym symis not defined
IFDIF<s1>,<s2> s1ands2differ
IFIDN<s1>,<s2> s1 and s2 identical
IF1 1st pass of assembler
IF2 2nd pass of assembler
A Macro that uses IF
- This macro defines a block of memory words with N entries, consisting of the first K integers, followed by N-K zeros
- If the macro is invoked:
Block 10,5
it will initialize an array of 10 words to 1,2,3,4,5,0,0,0,0,0
IF k+1-i
dw i
dw 0
ENDM Block
Macros vs. Procedures
- Assembly Time
- a program containing macros usually takes longer to assemble
- Execution Time
- a program containing macros is usually faster
- Program Size
- a program with macros is generally larger, since each macro call causes the code to be inserted
- Other Considerations
- macros are suitable for small tasks
- procedures are more suited for large tasks